“Fill with mingled cream and amber, I will drain that glass again. Such hilarious visions clamber, through the chamber of my brain.”

— Edgar Allan Poe

So, where did it begin?

Born out of a love of everything brewed, and truly amazed when we found the domain ‘theonlinebrewer.com’ was available(!), our minds went into overdrive with the possibilities.

Could we share our recipes?
Could we sell our products?
Could we spread the brewing love?

Yes. Yes we could.

Based in Queensland, in the beautiful Gold Coast Hinterland, 500meters above sea level and amongst the natural rainforest, we are surrounded by excellent quality local produce. Everything grows in this sub-tropical climate. Coffee, Herbs, Fruits of all kinds (including grapes, wine lovers…).
So we grow it, find it, buy it locally or barter with our neighbours for it; then we brew it.
And what we cant find locally, we source from only the very best national or international produces.

We can guarantee you three things:

- Everything will be fresh.
- Everything will be as described.
- It’s all small batch, so it won’t be around for long.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

The Online Brewer